
Sustainability Committee Dispatch on West Virginia v. EPA

By Annabelle Camp posted 10-18-2022 14:44


The Sustainability Committee stands in staunch opposition to the United States Supreme Court's decision to strip the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of its power to regulate air pollution, including greenhouse gas emissions produced by coal and other fossil fuel burning power plants. The EPA must be allowed to do exactly as its name suggests: protect our environment.

Without regulations on power plants, "it becomes mathematically impossible for the US to meet its climate goals" which are aimed at avoiding the most devastating effects of climate change.  As outlined in the The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report, keeping temperature increases below 1.5-2 degree Celsius, is critical to maintaining a safe, thriving planet.  Unfortunately, the Court's decision was made by six unelected individuals who see no urgency in addressing the global climate crisis. 

This decision affects not just those of us living and working in the U.S., but also the entire globe, its inhabitants, and its cultural heritage. Further, this decision will have knock on effects as it can "immediately be applied to all kinds of other federal agencies that make decisions about huge sectors of the economy - FDA, OSHA, Health and Human Services, certainly, the agencies that regulate the financial sector" effectively gutting the power of the executive branch and furthering the power of a Supreme Court untethered from democratic values.

In an increasingly broken political system we must take action. Political and environmental stability are necessary if we want to protect cultural heritage for future generations.  That starts with policies which prioritize a livable climate. We must do everything in our power to pressure political leaders to strengthen our democratic system and support candidates that are committed to robust climate policy and the democracy that makes that possible. There are many ways to donate, support and volunteer. Here are some highly rated climate organizations that can help spur you to action.

Within our realm of influence, we must act now to put tested practices into action. Now is the time to advocate for implementation of the Bizot Green Protocol, which recommends reducing carbon intensive practices like unnecessarily restrictive temp/RH standards, and supporting exhibitions and loans that do not rely on air transport of both art and couriers.  To learn more about these measures, join the AIC Sustainability Committee Online Community and sign up for our Sustainability Now eblast.
