Hello, While we always want to use appropriate materials, since the contact with whatever material is used is short-term there can be a bit more leeway. Wrapping them in Tyvek or other barrier materials would add some peace of mind if there are concerns. ...
Hi everyone, While we currently use ethafoam planks under framed works while installing exhibitions, it has been suggested that we switch to using black yoga blocks made from EVA foam (for example - https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0C3HP7YKC/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=A2FTPISBB57QJL&psc=1 ...
The C2C Care Community is fortunate to be monitored by a group of volunteer conservation professionals who answer questions directly or seek the assistance of conservators and collections care professionals who provide expert assistance. Our monitor for ...
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