AIC News

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In this Issue

  • Lead Articles: ETC and PMG
  • From the Executive Director
  • AIC Updates
  • Health & Safety
  • AIC News
  • New Publications
  • Worth Noting
  • New Materials, Research, and Resources
  • Specialty Groups and Networks


Education and Training Committee Introduces the Foundational Skills Workshop Series

By Margaret Wessling, Eve Mayberger, Céline Wachsmuth, Jennifer McGough for the Education and Training Committee (ETC)

The Education and Training Committee (ETC) is charged with reviewing and evaluating workshop proposals and has recently noticed an increase in proposals and requests for training focusing on foundational skills, or “soft” skills. Often these programs require bringing in professionals from outside the conservation field and can require larger budgets. In response to this, the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC) has committed funding from its Professional Development Endowment to work with ETC to offer a Foundational Skills Workshop Series from 2025 to 2027 focusing on themes that support AIC’s strategic goals and the areas of development identified in the Held in Trust initiative. In particular, the series will focus on:

  • Welcoming, valuing, and supporting members at all career stages;
  • Strengthening communication; and
  • Promoting and investing in diversity, equity, inclusion and access.

In envisioning the series, ETC seeks to strike a balance between offering live programs with an immediate impact and asynchronous digital resources that can be accessed widely. A key priority is to offer the programs and resources at no charge to AIC members.

read the full ETC article here >>


History and Significance of the PMG Winter Meeting

By Gary E. Albright and Thomas M. Edmondson for the Photographic Materials Group (PMG)

Editors’ Note

We congratulate PMG on their 25th Winter Meeting happening early next month! This article is a welcome history of this event, and we appreciate the authors for providing background and context in light of this anniversary.

—Lissa and Lisa

The PMG Winter Meeting began in 1981 and, with the upcoming 2025 Winter Meeting, has been held 25 times. It was an annual event until 1987 when it shifted to a biennial schedule, with the next meeting in 1989. The authors attended most of these gatherings, missing no more than four. Their reflections on the purpose and significance of these meetings illustrate how these meetings shaped the field of photograph conservation. Recognizing this history is essential for guiding and sustaining its future. [Timeline at the end of this article. See also the pdf.]

read the full PMG article here >>

From the Executive Director

2025: Embracing Change and Community 

Dear AIC Members,

As we step into the New Year, I’m reminded of the incredible strength of our community and the unique stories that each of you contributes to our shared mission. This past year brought its share of challenges and uncertainty, but what shines through is the deep sense of purpose we share as we embrace change, new ideas—and the meaningful work we will accomplish together this year.

AIC is built through collaboration with every step forward as we rethink and re-envision, from meeting our financial needs and resources to how we collaborate and work together. This collaboration includes the dedication of our staff, who ensure our mission is supported and thrives, and the passion of our volunteers, including board members, chairs, and each of our 300+ members who volunteer so much time and talent to support AIC. To all who give so generously of their time and expertise, we thank you. And thank you to all our members, who are inspiring us with new ideas and guiding the way.

