
If you mention the right name, the world will take note

By Rebecca Rushfield posted 03-29-2023 10:21


A holistic view on the role of egg yolk in Old Masters’ oil paints”, an unassuming article published on March 28, 2023 in Nature Communications, has gained widespread publicity in the popular press under titles as silly asYolk proteins in oil paints make art egg-cellent” or as spectacular as “Scientists identify secret ingredient in Leonardo da Vinci paintings”.The references in the Nature Communications  article date back as early as 1997, so the media has had ample time to write about the identification  of proteins in early Italian  paintings. Could it be that it was the name Leonardo da Vinci which appears in the first paragraph of the article's introduction that made the difference? When it comes to technical studies and art conservation, if you mention the right name, the world will take note.     

