Microfading Tester International Discussion Group

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Sponsored by the Preventive Care Network, the Microfading Tester International Discussion Group (MFT-IDG) supports the MFT user community and allied colleagues interested in how MFT data impacts collection care. The MFT is an analytical technique that directly assesses the light sensitivity of an object, and is employed by a growing number of heritage institutions as a key preventive conservation tool.

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    Updating MFT Institution and User Directory

    Welcome all to the MFT-IDG! In an effort to build our community, we've compiled an MFT Institution and User Directory , which can be found in the Library (see tab above). This directory lists heritage institutions around the world actively using the ...

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    Use of 365nm and 390nm light sources for ageing tests ...

    Hello everyone, Our Fotonowy MFT has been equipped with an LED changer containing 365nm and 390nm lights. I don't have any experience using these in testing and I wanted to know if anyone can direct me to some literature on how / what situations these ...

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    RE: Use of Fotonowy MFT in vertical orientation

    Hi everyone, We have mounted to both a camera stand and a tripod with great results both times! I just screwed it directly onto either, and it worked like a charm. Best, Abed ------------------------------ Abed Haddad Assistant Conservation ...

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    RE: Use of Fotonowy MFT in vertical orientation

    Hi Vincent, I ended up getting an adapter so that I could attach a Manfrotto quick release plate to the MFT and then use this to mount onto a Manfrotto tripod. It seems to be fairly sturdy and secure and I am going to do some experiments this week with ...

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    Use of Fotonowy MFT in vertical orientation

    We have been tasked with examining the light sensitivity of an object hung on the wall, which entails setting up our Fotonowy MFT in a vertical orientation; this will be our first time doing this. While the manual briefly describes mounting the unit on ...

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