This free forum is for conservation and allied professionals concerned about the health and safety of others as well as their own. If you have health and safety questions, it will help you find relevant, up-to-date information about the topic.
- Provide a safe space for conservators and allied professionals to discuss the topic without judgement
- Promote existing health and safety issues and resources
- Assist network officers in developing health and safety content
- Update the field on changes to the federal government's policies and procedures for health and safety matters
- Build a strong network of health and safety advocates
A conservator and a certified industrial hygienist moderate the community, so we can ensure the community circulates only correct and complete information and offer additional resources. This is a United States-focused group and stated rules and regulations may not apply in other countries.
Anyone can join this Forum - at no cost! If you have an account on our website, simply log in and click the red JOIN button. If you are new to us, create an account at and return to this page when you're logged in.
This Forum is supported by AIC's Health & Safety Network. Send questions to